Artificial and Natural Intelligence and Society

ANIS Institute – Our mission is to accompany the AI-driven societal transformation in the short, medium and long term. In three to five to ten years, our world will have moved beyond the current AI hype of 2023/24 – and it will indeed look dramatically different.

Website in development – for non commercial purposes only.

Charity project: AI study group in private school, Thailand

AI English Tutor Demo

Johannes - Founder of ANIS Institute

Private School in Thailand

Private School in BKK, Thailand

Extracurricular activity: AI study group

Please enter three ideas in this form
and get a feeling for the emergent capabilities of AI!



A quote from the future - and the future is now:

Recently, I wanted to hire 3 - 4 interns for my startup. I was already in contact with colleges in the USA. But then I decided - as AI can do possibly 80 percent of the tasks I would have asked the interns to take care of - I decided to not have any summer interns this year.

AI 4 School

AI 4 School (read AI for school) @ ANIS Institute: This initiative is all about the future of tech and the impact in developing countries and emerging economies/ transitional countries. We strive to grant comprehensive AI access to all students of participating schools.
Furthermore we also provide support, training and guidance on some of the best methods and prompts. Thus we help AI helping students – for a maximum school success of each high school student.
Now try it for yourself: Please write a short text – about any subject you like – into the following form. How about a text about your favorite hobby? Or a text about an exciting moment that happened this year? The AI will suggest improvements to this text.

AI text teacher


What we do

We communicate, consult & facilitate C H A N G E


2024 and 2025, awareness is a key aspect of our activities: Informing catalysts in politics, business, government and education about the current capabilities of AI.


2025 and 2026, engagement is our focus: Deepening relationships and dialogue with stakeholders, and showcasing advanced AI applications in various industries.


Facilitating the adoption of AI solutions across sectors like healthcare, education, and transportation, ensuring seamless and ethical implementation.


Consulting re:AI systems for safety, efficiency, and fairness, and promoting global collaboration on AI standards and best practices.

Another possibility to get to know AI: Please enter two true statements - and one lie -
into this form - and make sure to hit "send"



Website in development

This Website will be updated soon and is for non commercial purposes only. All rights reserved –  ANIS Institute 2024.